Calibre Academy
Our Curriculum
Calibre Academy’s curriculum is aligned to the Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards. We are dedicated to preparing students for the 21st century, including preparing students to think critically and problem-solve using multiple strategies. These skills apply in all subject areas. Students are encouraged to work and think across curriculum boundaries, approaching real-life information from new perspectives.
McGraw Hill is being implemented in Calibre’s everyday teachings. McGraw Hill was formulated to meet the Common Core State Standards, we intend to use this to surpass these expectations. The materials align with the standards of Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards adopted by Arizona in 2010. It aims to create mastery skill level for students.


Students will learn to identify and write numbers 1-20, compose and decompose numbers 1-20, and orally count to 100 by 1’s and 10’s. Also, students will learn to add and subtract within 10. In kindergarten the students will learn how to name and identify 2 and 3 dimensional shapes and learn concepts of measurement.
Kindergarten students will learn the five senses and how to use their senses to observe the world around them. They will learn about the seasons and weather patterns. In kindergarten, students will identify characteristics of living and non-living things, life cycles, and what living things need to grow.
Social Studies
Students will learn about citizenship and what it means to be a good citizen. They will also learn about their role in a community and the roles of community helpers. Also students will learn about American symbols, holidays, and traditions. Through stories, students will learn about past history and compare the past to the present.
First Grade

First Grade
The First-Grade curriculum focuses on the basic framework necessary to build strong and successful readers. The focus is on Foundational Skills through the use of phonological awareness, sentence structure, high frequency word recognition, vocabulary development, and grammar. We add reinforcement to the student’s phonological awareness through the use of our daily Heggerty and syllable routines. The curriculum also provides us with decodable readers that we use to help increase the reading opportunities during small group instruction. Through writing activities, the students are given opportunities to put into practice the skills that they have learned.
In first grade math we cover many topics and skills. During the first quarter we work on addition and subtraction strategies to 20. In the second quarter we work on place value and work on identifying numbers up to 120 that can be broken down into groups of 10 and some ones. We explore different types of graphs and how to collect, read and answer questions based on data. First graders learn how to tell time using analog/digital clocks and how to measure objects using standard and nonstandard units of measurement. We also learn two and three dimensional shapes and their attributes. In each of these units of study we use manipulatives such as counters, graphic organizers, base ten blocks, rulers, clocks, and shape blocks.
Social Studies and Science
During the first semester of first grade we focus on social studies. The students learn about ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and the Aztecs. They also learn about the origins of America and famous American symbols. We focus on teaching the students the foundations of economics such as goods and services as well as, spending and saving. The students also learn how to read the parts of a map and they use this knowledge to create maps of their own. Finally, we focus on learning more about urban, suburban and rural communities.
During the second semester of first grade we focus on science. The students learn about several habitats including the arctic, the rainforest, the desert, and the ocean. We also focus on teaching the scientific method, which the kids then use to complete several different types of experiments in both the whole group and individual settings. We then turn our focus to teaching the states of matter, solids, liquids and gases. Finally, we focus on astronomy to learn all about space. We incorporate Brain Pop Jr and YouTube videos to help the students explore space and habitats more thoroughly.
Second Grade Course Description

Third Grade

Second Grade Course Description
By the end of the year, students will proficiently and independently read and comprehend literature and informational texts. Students will apply grade-level phonics when encoding/decoding words, read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension, demonstrate and apply sound-letter concepts, and demonstrate/apply handwriting skills. Students will also work collaboratively with other students and present knowledge and ideas when writing. Lastly, students will demonstrate an understanding/apply English grammar conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening; and demonstrate an understanding of word relationships in unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases.
During the first semester, students use their understanding of addition to develop fluency with addition and subtraction within 20. They demonstrate understanding of addition and subtraction within 1000 with the use of models. They develop, discuss, and use efficient, accurate, and generalizable methods to compute sums and differences of whole numbers using base-ten notation, understanding of place value, and the properties of operations. They select and accurately apply methods that are appropriate for the context and the numbers involved to mentally calculate sums and differences. Students extend their understanding of place value using the base-ten system. This includes ideas of counting by ones, fives, tens, and hundreds as well as understanding number relationships involving these units, including comparing. Students understand multi-digit numbers through 1000 written in base-ten notation, recognizing that the digits in each place represent amounts of hundreds, tens, or ones.

During the second semester, students develop understanding for the value of money up to $1 using a combination of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. They solve word problems involving collections of money and learn to record money using $ and ¢ appropriately. Students will develop an understanding of the relationship between data tables and graphs. They will develop an understanding of how to analyze information from different types of graphs (picture, bar, line plot). Students develop understanding for telling time using analog and digital clocks to the nearest 5 minutes and using a.m. and p.m. Students develop understanding for standard units of measure (centimeter and inch), and they use rulers and other measurement tools with the understanding that linear measurement involves an iteration (repetition) of units that is rounded to the nearest whole number. They recognize that the smaller the unit, the more iterations they need to cover a given length. Students will identify and develop understanding for shapes and their specific attributes (sides, angles, faces, vertices) including two and three dimensional shapes. They will learn to partition shapes into equal parts (halves, thirds, fourths) and develop an understanding that equal parts do not need to have the same shape.

Social Studies
Through the study of geography and economics, the students’ lenses expand to learn how their world is interconnected globally. Students will develop a spatial understanding of the world around them, so they can understand how other cultures and civilizations are interconnected and have influenced who we are as a community, state, and Nation. United States history, world history, and civics will also be taught in a comparative context. Students will create a chronological sequence of multiple events and understand how events of the past affect students’ lives and community.
Students will compare diverse cultures from around the world using primary sources such as photographs, artifacts, and music and secondary sources such as fiction and non-fiction and compare perspectives of people in the past to those today through stories and biographies. Students will describe roles and responsibilities of people in authority within our country and world and explain how all people, not just official leaders, play important roles in the world. Students will use and construct maps, graphs, and other geographic representations of familiar and unfamiliar places in the world; and locate physical and human features. Students will explain how weather, climate, and other environmental characteristics affect people’s lives in a place or region being studied.
By the end of second grade, students understand the basic concept that energy can change the phase of matter and is necessary for life. Students begin to understand energy and matter, the formation of Earth’s surface features, water cycles and energy flow, changes in the environment, patterns in the sky, and the conditions necessary for life on Earth. In physical science, students will learn that all matter in the Universe is made up of very small particles. That objects can affect other objects at a distance and changing the movement of an object requires a net force to be acting on it. In earth science, students will learn that the composition of the Earth and its atmosphere and the natural and human processes occurring within them shape the Earth’s surface and its climate and that the Earth and our solar system are a very small part of one of many galaxies within the Universe. In life science, students will learn that organisms are organized on a cellular basis and have a finite life span. That organisms require a supply of energy and materials for which they often depend on or compete with other organisms. That genetic information is passed down from one generation of organisms to another.

In 3rd grade, students will focus on each concept throughout the year until they reach mastery.


Fourth Grade

During the first semester students will read, write, and identify the place value of whole numbers through thousands and compare numbers. They will use a number line and place value to order
numbers through thousands. Round numbers to the nearest tens and hundreds. Students will also manipulate numbers to 1000 using knowledge of hundreds, tens, and ones. The students will demonstrate problem solving through the four-step plan. Students will add up to 4 digits with regrouping. They will use strategies to subtract mentally, estimate differences using rounding, and subtract with regrouping up to four digit numbers. Students will use models and arrays to explore multiplication and division, relate multiplication and addition, and make tablets and models to solve multiplication and division problems. Students will explore how division and multiplication are related.
During the second semester, students will continue to use different strategies, such as properties, arrays, doubling and decomposing factors to learn multiplication. They will also use different strategies, including arrays, repeated subtraction, drawings, known facts, patterns, or properties to learn division word problems to demonstrate skills. Students will represent one and two step word problems using equations with a variable and use logical reasoning to solve problems. In the second semester the students will learn fractions, representing fractions on a number line. They will use models to find equivalent fractions, compare two fractions, and express whole numbers as fractions. Students will tell time to the nearest minute, and determine time intervals. Students will draw, organize, and analyze data in line plots. Students will measure and compare length and represent it on a number line to the nearest half and quarter inch and display measurement data to fractions of an inch. Students will explore finding the perimeter and area of a figure using addition or multiplication. They will explore angles of two dimensional figures, describe and classify polygons by their attributes. Lastly they will identify, describe, and classify quadrilaterals by the attributes, recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.
Social Studies
Students will study Arizona with an integrated approach considering the following factors throughout the school year. Researching and examining the contributions of various cultural and ethnic groups including the 22 Indian Nations that reside in Arizona. Economic, political, and geographic elements. Structure of the state and local governments. Roles and responsibilities as citizens of Arizona. Examination of primary and secondary sources including written and oral histories, images, current events, and artifacts. Disciplinary skills and processes including change and continuity over time, multiple perspectives, using and understanding sources, and cause and effect

In the First semester, students will gain an understanding of how the Sun provides energy for life on Earth. Students will apply their understanding of light and sound waves, how they travel, are detected, and transfer energy. Students learn that organisms have different structures and functions which increase their chances of survival. In the Second semester, students will use investigations focus on collecting and making sense of observational data and simple measurements using the science and engineering practices: ask questions and define problems, develop and use models,
plan and carry out investigations, analyze and interpret data, use mathematics and computational thinking, construct explanations and design solutions, engage in argument from evidence, and obtain, evaluate, and communicate information.

Fourth Grade
Social Studies
A study of American History is integral for students to analyze our national experience through time, to recognize the relationships of events and people, and to interpret significant patterns, themes, ideas, beliefs and turning points in Arizona and American History. Students will be able to apply the lessons of American History to their lives as citizens of the United States.
Historical research is a process in which students examine topics or requisitions related to historical studies and/or current events. Early Civilizations of the geographic, political, economic and cultural characteristics of early civilizations and made significant contributions to the later development of the United States.Exploration and Colonization of the varied causes and effects of exploration, settlement, and colonization shaped regional and national development of the U.S. Revolution and New Nation of the development of American constitutional democracy grew from political, cultural, and economic issues, ideas, and events.
Westward Expansion, influenced by political, cultural, and economic factors, led to the growth and development of the U.S. Civil War and Reconstruction with regional conflicts led to the Civil War and resulted in significant changes to American social, economic, and political structures. Describe events in Arizona during the Civil War: Battle of Picacho Peak, Battle of Apache Pass, and Arizona becomes a territory.
Emergence of the Modern United States with economics, social, and cultural changes transformed the United States into a world power. Recognize that Arizona changed from a territory to a state on February 14, 1912. Recognize the formation of Native American communities and reservations in Arizona. Describing the economic development of Arizona: mining, ranching, farming, and dams.
Great Depressions and World War II and how it dramatically impacted the entire world events, economic issues, and political conflicts redefined the role of government in the lives of U.S. citizens. Postwar tensions led to social change in the U.S. and to a heightened focus on foreign policy.
Current events continue to shape our nation and our involvement in the global economy community. How the U.S. government has evolved citizens and how it can effectively change the world. A Study of World History is integral for students to analyze the human experience through time, to recognize the relationship between different cultures, beliefs, events, patterns, themes, and ideas. Global events. Economic issues and political ideologies ignited tensions leading to worldwide military conflagrations and diplomatic confrontations in a context of development and change. The goal of civics is to strand our ideas for coexistence.
Language Arts
Throughout the school year Grade 4 students will learn to proficiently and independently read a wide variety of grade-level appropriate informational texts. Through these readings they will be able to determine how the structure and presentation helps to organize the ideas and details in the text. In addition, students will develop the tools to determine the central idea of a text and how key details contribute to that central idea. They will be able to find evidence in a text to support answers and opinions.
Mastering the skills to read informational text will allow students to be able to make connections between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or steps in technical procedures. Students will learn to use a variety of text features to locate key facts and informationEmploying the skills for identifying context clues will aid them in finding the meaning of key vocabulary words in informational texts. They will learn to compare, contrast, and link information from multiple texts or sources.
Throughout the school year students will review language concepts such as grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Students will make connections between the relationship of Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, and roots; and use that knowledge to determine the meaning of unknown words.
Students will carry over their paragraph writing skills from 3rd grade and develop a mastery of writing paragraphs that include an introduction of the topic, supporting details, and conclusion. They will build on those skills by learning how to plan and write multi-paragraph opinion and explanatory pieces that include evidence to support ideas, linking words, and a conclusion. They will also write narratives that include a clear sequence of events, descriptive details, dialogue, and words that indicate a change in time (ie. first, next, then, and last). In addition, students will learn to revise and edit their writing using feedback from their teacher and peers.

Grade 4 students will read a variety of poetry and novels. While reading these texts, students learn to practice using key details to determine a theme. They will also use details from texts in order to make inferences, to make comparisons, and to connect ideas. In addition, students will practice referring to the text when asking or answering a question and determining the meaning of key words and phrases in a text.
In the 1st quarter of Grade 4, students extend their work with whole numbers. They will use the place value chart as a framework to begin with large numbers and develop their understanding of millions. The place value chart will aid students in understanding the pattern of times ten in the base ten system.
Students will round out the 1st quarter of Grade 4 using place value knowledge to convert between length, mass and capacity in the metric system. Mixed unit practice prepares students for multi-digit operations and manipulating fractional units later in the school year.
In the 2nd quarter of Grade 4, students use place value understanding and visual representations to solve multiplication and division problems with multi-digit numbers. They will learn to use multiplication and division terms fluently, such as factors, product, divisor, dividend, and quotient.
Students will also be introduced to points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles, as well as the relationships between them. They will construct, recognize, and define these geometric objects. Students will move into understanding to classify figures and solve problems. This geometry unit will introduce students to algebraic concepts, where the unknown angle is represented by a letter, using a protractor and reasoning through the solving of an equation. In addition, students will explore symmetry and attributes in two-dimensional figures.
In the 3rd and 4th quarter of Grade 4, students build on their Grade 3 work with unit fractions as they develop a solid understanding of fraction equivalence. This extensive unit leads to the understanding of mixed numbers and the comparison of fractions through representation of both in a variety of models. Students will master the understanding of benchmark fractions and how they play an important part in their ability to generalize and reason about relative fraction and mixed number sizes.
In Science, students work with a group to define, research, develop, create prototype, test, and present. Students define engineering design through planning, diagrams, and implementation. Students apply their understanding of the various Earth systems (geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere) and how they interact with each other and heat from the Sun. Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock layers to support and explanation for changes in a landscape over time. Make observations and/or measurements to provide evidence of the effects of weathering and erosion by water, ice, wind, or vegetation. Analyze and interpret data from maps to describe patterns of Earth’s surface features. Generate and compare multiple interpretations to reduce, reuse, and recycle Earth’s natural resources. Upon completion of learning about Earth, we do a PBL (Project-Based Learning) Project to provide a simulation of an earthquake and the effects it has on structures.
To explain potential and kinetic energy through interactive experiments and utilize our Science Journals. Understanding the three states of matter we can determine the speed, velocity, and motion. Utilizing real-world applications, engineering our own ramp. Through vibrations we can learn about waves and how concepts with pitch, volume, amplitude, wavelength, frequency are carried throughout all aspects of life. Students can learn about the speed and range of light and its waves. Through the spectrum of transparent, translucent, or opaque materials we can see that light can penetrate it or not.
By developing a model to describe that light reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows objects to be seen. Construct arguments that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth and reproduction. Use models to describe that animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information in their brain and respond to the information in different ways.
Fifth Grade

Sixth Grade

Seventh/Eighth Grade

Fifth Grade
Social Studies
Social Studies begins during the revolutionary period, including the United States Constitution and the three branches of government, followed by the Civil War and ending with westward expansion. Students read primary and secondary sources to infer, explain,compare fact from fiction, and determine root causes and effects of conflicts and resolutions of each historical period. Also, students read and study key battles, dates, events, and significant individuals. As students gain an understanding of this time period, they will also develop an understanding of a person’s civic responsibility as it deals with law, politics, and government. Along with civic responsibility, students discover financial responsibility through monetary benefits, risk taking, problem solving, taxes, spending, regulations, supply and demand, new industries, and transportation during this time period. Lastly, students use geography to express changes that have occurred over time, such as using maps to learn about regions, settlements, migration, American Indians, growth of cities, the importance of transportation and technology.
Science consists of three segments in 5th grade: physical science, earth and space, and life science. First, physical science begins at the smallest particle where students develop a model and describe matter. Students will be able to explain the difference between atoms and elements, name the parts of an atom, describe the structure of an atom, compare the structure of different atoms, and correlate atomic structure to an element’s location on the periodic table. Physical science also includes knowing the states of matter – liquid, gas, or solid and discovering how molecules move in each of those states. Students will make observations on a variety of objects based on their properties and measure them using a graduated cylinder and a triple beam balance. Second, Earth and Space Science teaches students that our solar system is a very small part of the universe. Students research a planet by including the planet’s size, distance from the sun, gravity, number of moons, revolution, rotation, and other interesting facts. Third, life science determines the flow of energy through a food chain. Students learn the parts of an animal cell. Ecosystems are discussed as they support consumers, producers, and decomposers. Data is collected and used to graph information so that students will learn that consumers farther down the food chain are less abundant. Patterns are noticed and predictions are given on what happened to each animal population. Photosynthesis is taught that while plants are producers, they make their own food. This directs students to learn the components of a plant cell.
During the first half of the year in math, students focus on understanding the place value system. They work with whole numbers to the millions place and decimals to the thousandths place. They will also be adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole numbers and decimals. Your child will become fluent with computing these types of numbers and understanding the relationship between them. Near the end of the first semester they will begin some basic algebraic skills like writing and interpreting numerical expressions, and analyzing patterns and relationships. The second half of the year begins with students working on comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. Then they begin learning geometry, which includes finding the area and volume of two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. They will also be taught to classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties. The semester ends with a unit on measurement. They work with converting like measurement units. By the end of the year, students should also be able to understand why and how they would use these math skills in real-world scenarios.
In 5th grade during ELA, students are building their skills from the previous school year. We go through the entire writing process to build up to writing good, coherent five paragraph narrative, opinion, and informational essays. We also work on building the students’ reading fluency and comprehension skills. To do this, we read several genres of articles/stories; including informational text, fiction, folktales, myths, dramas, and poems; and answer questions based on the information given in those articles/stories. With these different genres we also are working on determining their text structures; finding the theme, plot, characters, and setting; and using text evidence to draw conclusions and make inferences about the texts.

Sixth Grade
Using the new science standards with a curriculum that promotes inquiry and real-world problem solving with phenomena and hands-on activities. McGraw Hill’s Glencoe Science meets the standards and supports student-led learning. It Encourages inquiry-based, and student-driven learning with and incorporates hands-on labs and project-based learning.
During the first quarter students cover Ratios and Proportions. Students use this process by comparing two quantities. This is done by completing a ratio table, percentages, unit rates and values on a coordinate plane. The next topic that is covered is The Number System. Students interpret and compute quotients of fractions to solve mathematical problems involving division of fractions. Next, students work with Expressions and Equations. This consists of students writing expressions, using the distributive property, solving equations with order of operations, and solving for a single variable. Towards the end of the school year students work with Geometric Figures. These are 2 and 3 dimensional figures where area, volume and surface area are used to calculate the figures. Finally, Statistics and Probability is used to create statistical questions to represent different measures of variations based on data collected. Students use this data to create different measures of data through histograms, dot plots, and box plots to reference patterns related to questions and accounts for variability.
This Sixth Grade Language Arts course will teach students to analyze and appreciate fiction and nonfiction text by providing opportunities to practice examining many different styles of writing. Students will also master reading and writing skills such as identifying point of view, author’s purpose, main ideas, and much more. Students will develop learning strategies to help them throughout their academic careers.
Social Studies
The sixth grade social studies program focuses on World Geography and Ancient Civilizations. We will learn how civilizations developed, lived and interacted, and their contributions to society. The goal is to help students learn about the past and observe societies dissimilar to their own to broaden their understanding of people and places. We will explore ancient cultures and the lasting impact of these early civilizations on our world today. Students will also learn about the impact of geography and resources, migration patterns, and the cultural and economic development of civilizations.

Seventh/Eighth Grade
Social Studies
Middle school social studies is a two (2) year program comprising the history of the United States from the migration of ancient populations over the Beringia to the Americas, up until the modern day United States.
Seventh graders will focus on learning about the first persons crossing over the Beringia, pre-colonial exploration, Colonial America, Revolutionary America, Manifest Destiny, and finish with tensions between the North and South.
Eight graders will continue the program starting with the Civil War, Reconstruction, Westward Expansion, Industrialization, World wars, the Great Depression, the Cold War, Civil Rights, Vietnam and complete the year right at the start of the Obama administration.
7th grade math focuses on four critical areas: (1) developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships to solve real world problems; (2) operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; (3) solving problems involving scale drawings, geometric constructions, and surface area, and volume; and (4) drawing inferences about populations.
8th grade math focuses on three critical areas: (1) applying equations in one and two variables; (2) understanding the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; (3) applying the Pythagorean Theorem and the concepts of similarity and congruence.
In 7th-grade Science, students learn lab safety, how to take accurate measurements, and use Science and Engineering Practices for hands-on investigation of the following areas of focus: how different forces affect motion; the systems and cycles of Earth; the structure and function of cells and the human body systems.
In 8th-grade Science, students continue to learn lab safety, how to take accurate measurements, and use Science and Engineering Practices for hands-on investigation of the following areas of focus: heredity and adaptations; properties of chemicals and chemical reactions; principles of energy transfer, storage, and conservation; use data to predict changes in Earth and the human impact on the biosphere.
In this course, students develop a mastery of reading, writing, and language arts skills using StudySync’s core program, which fully aligns with the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts. The program’s instruction targets requirements of these standards to help students develop the readiness for college, career, and civic life, attain the capacities of literate individuals, become broadly literate, and acquire the skills for living and learning in the 21st century. Students learn to read critically, analyze texts, and cite evidence to support ideas as they read engaging, age-appropriate literary and informational reading selections. Vocabulary, grammar, and listening skills are refined through lessons that give students explicit modeling and ample practice. Students also engage in routine, responsive writing based on texts they have read. In extensive, process-based writing lessons, students write topical essays in narrative, informative, analytical, and argumentative formats. StudySync’s core curriculum blends traditional classroom instruction with technology tools to create a program that is engaging, motivating, respectful, integrated, and intellectually challenging.

Physical education is an integral part of the total education of every child in Kindergarten through Grade 8.
Calibre Academy’s quality physical education program increases the physical competence, health-related fitness, self-responsibility and enjoyment of physical activity for all students so that they can be physically active for a lifetime.
At Calibre Academy our PE program:
Each unit correlates with the Lil Colts and Mustang league sports so students are learning the skills needed to participate in these after school activities if they choose.

Music Education
Research shows that students’ critical thinking and creativity increase through exposure to music. Research also suggests that the mathematical abilities of children who participate in music lessons may be increased through the study of music. At Calibre Academy the general music curriculum is a creative and active learning experience in which all K-5 elementary students. To reach the whole musical learner, while also meeting the music standards, the elementary general music classes will incorporate a wide variety of teaching techniques and approaches drawn from several schools of musical thought and research. This special class centers around an active understanding and use at different levels of Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Form, Timbre, and Creativity.
In grade 6-8 students may choose band as an elective. The beginning band program is designed for 1st and 2nd year players. Instruction is offered on flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, and percussion. Parents must rent an instrument for their child. Throughout lessons and band rehearsals, students are expected to perform with a sense of tone, breath support, intonation, rhythm, harmony and articulation. The bands perform throughout the year for the school.