Grading System

Grading Scale

A (90-100%) Applies the concepts/skills consistently

B (80-89%) Applies the concepts/skills most of the time

C (70-79%) Applies the concepts/skills with support

D (50-69%) Requires considerable support to apply the concepts/skills

F (0-49%) Fails to apply the concepts/skills

Weighted Grades


Effort grades based on AZ Standards

Grades 1-6

Classwork 20%


Assessments/Projects 30%

Projects 25%

Grades 7-8

Classwork 20%

Quizzes 25%

Assessments 30%

Projects 25%

Report Cards

Calibre Academy has implemented a unique way for parents to check on important data, such as your child’s attendance and academic progress (e.g., teacher’s grade book data). This access is provided via a real-time web portal dynamically linked to the school’s Student Information System.

If you have questions or need support logging into the Parent or Student Portal, please email

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